Video Training with a Media Portal - 3 Good Reasons
3 Reasons to train using video content in a Media Portal 1) Profit from your existing content You probably have content on your shelf, on DVD's or even online using a service like YouTube or Vimeo. That content was captured for some reason. You thought it was valuable enough to record it then.. Having it hosted on a public site isn't helping your brand or likely not driving people into your other existing online properties where they might read bout your business, make on lonline inquiry or respond to some other call to action. Put that content into some kind of customized Video Media Portal that will engage your visitors, surround them with your message and materials. Generate interest and make some content free and sell the rest. Share it all and build a community. Use it as part of a community. Have a member based association? A Professional or learning association? Integrate user and event management tools with your video content. Build l...