Working 3 Events in LA and one in DC
Busy Week, A 3 HD Camera (our HDX-900's) studio shoot here using our 3 aja Ki-Pros.. great devices.. These have totally replaced our Firestores and we've only had them for a few months.... Bought 2 new Quad Core Dual CPU Macs to edit live at the CTIA.. Sent a crew to DC and everyone else ('cept me) went to LA. I just got back from DC so I got to ride a mouse here. We will be shooting in 3 rooms for a Health Care client in LA. Webcasting 8 Rooms concurrently! 2 Video with synced PPTs, 7 audio. We built the portal ahead of time and will be posting the content as we finish. More of our work is getting blended with certification training. We are building more and more Learning Management apps. We're trying to find a Framework that will work for this but frankly we still think that the "modular" framework we are developing in house will be the best solution.. Thank goodness for our ace developers... They really take ownership of this really complex work.